q. when can i meet my kitten?

a. I have a closed cattery and here is why!

  1. Disease Prevention: Cats are susceptible to various infectious diseases, some of which can be carried by visitors unknowingly. Limiting access helps prevent the spread of illnesses and ensures that all cats, especially kittens, remain healthy.

  2. Stress Reduction: Cats are sensitive creatures, and frequent visits from strangers can cause them stress and anxiety. A calm environment contributes to their well-being and development, particularly for kittens.

Security and Privacy

  1. Security: Limiting access to your cattery enhances the security of your animals and your property. It helps prevent theft and ensures that only authorized individuals have contact with the cats.

  2. Privacy: Maintaining a closed cattery allows you to manage your time and operations more efficiently without the disruptions of unscheduled visits.

Professional Breeding Standards

  1. Controlled Environment: A closed cattery ensures that the breeding environment remains controlled and professional. This guarantees that breeding practices and animal care meet high standards without external interference.

  2. Consistency: Keeping the cattery closed helps maintain consistency in the care and handling of the cats. This is crucial for ensuring they grow up in a stable, well-managed environment.

Customer Experience

  1. Quality Assurance: By minimizing visits, you can focus on providing the best possible care for your cats, which translates to healthier, well-adjusted kittens for your customers.

  2. Final Presentation: When customers pick up their kittens, they receive them in the best possible condition, having been prepared and groomed specifically for the handover day. This leaves a positive impression and enhances the overall experience.

Communication and Transparency

  1. Updates and Information: i Offer regular updates through photos, videos, and written communication to keep customers informed about the progress and well-being of your  future pet. 

Q. How big will my RAGDOLL GET? 

a. Ragdoll cats are known for their large size and gentle temperament. Here’s a general guideline for their growth:

  • Adult Size: Male Ragdolls typically weigh between 15-20 pounds (6.8-9.1 kg), while females generally weigh between 10-15 pounds (4.5-6.8 kg).

  • Length: They can reach lengths of about 17-21 inches (43-53 cm), not including the tail.

  • Growth Period: Ragdolls grow slowly compared to other cat breeds and may not reach their full size until they are about 3-4 years old.

However, individual sizes can vary based on genetics, diet, and overall health. For more specific information about your Ragdoll kitten, consider consulting with the breeder or a veterinarian.






a. Ragdoll cats are not hypoallergenic. While no cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic, some breeds produce fewer allergens than others. Ragdolls do produce allergens, specifically the Fel d 1 protein found in their saliva, skin, and urine, which can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

If you have cat allergies but still wish to own a Ragdoll or any cat, consider these tips:

  1. Regular Grooming: Brush your Ragdoll frequently to reduce shedding and the spread of dander

  2. Bathing: Occasional baths can help minimize allergens.

  3. Cleaning: Keep your home clean by vacuuming regularly and using air purifiers to reduce airborne allergens.

  4. Allergy Medications: Consult with an allergist about appropriate medications or treatments to manage your symptoms.

  5. Designated Cat-Free Zones: Create areas in your home, such as your bedroom, where the cat is not allowed, to reduce allergen exposure.

While Ragdolls are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, their allergen production is similar to most other cat breeds.

Q. Do you health test your cats ?

A. I conduct all recommended health tests for my cats, including those specific to Ragdolls and Maine Coons. These tests encompass screening for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Unfortunately, while HCM can be tested for, cats may still develop the condition with age. Thankfully, advancements are being made in developing new methods to test for all strands of HCM genes.


Q. should i get a male or female? 

a. This question is frequently asked, and I see benefits and cons for both male and female cats. Females tend to be on the smaller side, while males usually grow much larger. My males from past litters have ranged from 10-20 lbs, and my females are around 6-12 lbs max. People often shy away from males due to concerns about spraying, but females can spray as well. If you already have other cats, I recommend getting the opposite gender of what you currently have. If not, it really depends on your personal preference.

q. will my kitten be cuddly?

a. Ragdoll cats are generally known for their affectionate and laid-back personalities. They are often described as one of the most cuddly and loving cat breeds. However, individual personalities can vary, and several factors can influence your new kitten's behavior, including:

1. **Genetics**: The temperament of the kitten's parents can provide some indication of its potential disposition.
2. **Socialization**: Kittens that are well-socialized, especially during their early weeks, are more likely to be comfortable with people and enjoy being held and cuddled.
3. **Environment**: A calm, loving home environment helps foster a sense of security and trust, encouraging cuddly behavior.
4. **Health**: A healthy kitten is more likely to be playful and affectionate. Regular veterinary care ensures your kitten is in good health.

To encourage cuddly behavior, spend quality time with your kitten, handle them gently, and provide plenty of positive reinforcement when they show affection. Patience and consistent positive interactions will help your Ragdoll kitten develop a close and affectionate bond with you.